The recent fires devastating Los Angeles and its surrounding areas have left a heavy weight on my heart. Living about 20 miles away from Altadena, where thousands of families have lost their homes, I’ve witnessed the ripple effects of this tragedy firsthand. Among those impacted are my clients, dear family friends, and countless others. Homes and storefronts have been reduced to ashes from Malibu all the way to Alta Dena, animals are missing, and the sense of security we all cherish has been shattered.
California has seen more fires in recent years than I ever remember from my childhood. As if the recurring Northern California fires weren’t enough, the Mill fire my family narrowly escaped up north in 2022 brought us terrifyingly close to losing our home and pushed us to close our new local business. That experience has left us with a form of fire-induced PTSD, which makes these current tragedies even more gut-wrenching. Living in California, while beautiful in so many ways, has become a struggle. The high cost of living and the increasing frequency of disasters force us to ask hard questions: Where do we go from here? Is there anywhere better, safer, or easier?
Out of respect for my clients and friends who have lost everything, I will not share images of the devastation. The loss is indescribable, and the stories behind those losses are deeply personal. What I can do, however, is offer support. If anyone needs hygienic necessities, clothing for men, women, or children, or skincare products, please know that I am here for you. Since 2020, I have quietly donated $500 a month in products to clients in need. It’s my way of contributing to the lives of those who have been impacted by the upheavals of the past few years. Now, more than ever, I’m reminded of the importance of standing together.
As a Mother raising three children entirely on my own, I feel the weight of these worldly issues daily. But even when I’m in need myself, I step outside of my struggles to help others because I believe in the power of paying it forward. We are all navigating challenges, but we’re also all connected. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We can make it through these trying times.
Email me at with the subject line “DONATION” if you or someone you know is in need.